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New build infrastructure (a love letter to esbuild)

Imagine that instead of building campaigns and widgets, we were building boats. All kind of boats, sailing boats, Research Vessels, cargos, and canoes. Of course you can have them in different colors, and with special features to comply with local regulations. Now, while we’re crafting your masterpiece and try to build the sleek and swift …

New build infrastructure (a love letter to esbuild) Read More »

Targeting the German Parliament considered complicated

The German Parliament, also known as the Bundestag, is the legislative branch in germany. The 736 members (in 2023) of the Bundestag are elected every four years using a mixed-member proportional representation system. So you want to send emails or do a twitterstorm targeting the Germans Parliament? you’d think it’s a matter of asking your …

Targeting the German Parliament considered complicated Read More »

Storm of Snowflakes: Our Twitter Action Widget

Twitter’s newest policy change could spell the death of the classic twitterstorm — but we have a solution to keep your tweet-to-target action impactful, your online supporters active, and your tweets fresh and unique. An end to copy-paste tweets Last week, Twitter introduced a change to their “Copypasta and Duplicate content” policy. Internal policies rarely …

Storm of Snowflakes: Our Twitter Action Widget Read More »

Analytics on Proca

Tracking what’s happening in a campaign is useful for seeing what’s working well and if anything needs changing. Proca collects all of the data from supporters interacting with the widget: not only actions taken and contact opt-ins, but which widget a supporter engaged with, whether they shared it, whether their share resulted in actions. Basic …

Analytics on Proca Read More »